PREDATOR es un libro escrito por Patricia Cornwell de la colección Kay Scarpetta tiene un total de 406 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9780008168902 y ha recibido 1 votos de nuestros visitantes . El título original es Predator . Originalmente fue publicado en 2009 y se volvió a publicar en el año 2016 y se tradujo por Mª Cristina Martín Sanz

En total tiene una nota media de 4 sobre cinco.

Los libros pertenecientes a la colección Kay Scarpetta son: LA JOTA DE CORAZONES , Código negro (Identidad desconocida) , UNA MUERTE SIN NOMBRE , Un ambiente extraño (Acecho virtual) , PUNTO DE PARTIDA , PORT MORTUARY , EL LIBRO DE LOS MUERTOS , PREDATOR , EL FACTOR SCARPETTA .


Florida is full of human predators, and they all give Dr Kay Scarpetta the opportunity and the means to do what she does best - persuading the dead to speak to her. And in Boston, Benton Wesley is working on a secret case involving convicted killers. It is a project which gives Scarpetta deep disquiet, as does the behaviour of her niece, Lucy, who is spending too much time in cheap bars looking for casual pick-ups. The Academy is called when a womans body is found in Boston. She has been tortured, sexually abused, her body tattooed with handprints. The same sort of handprints Lucy had seen on the flesh of her latest pick-up. Meanwhile, Scarpetta and Marino are investigating the disappearance of a family in Florida, called in by a concerned neighbour, but as they search and find the tell-tale signs of abduction rather than disappearance, they also discover that someone had assumed the identity of the caller, and she is now dead. Theyve been set up, and it becomes clear that someone is tracking their every move.

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