libro Pantagruel


Pantagruel tiene un total de 129 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9781843910565 Pantagruel se publicó en el año 2003

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Pantagruel
  • Publicación: 2003
  • Editorial: Hesperus press ltd.
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9781843910565
  • Páginas: 129
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


François Rabelais holds a unique place in the history of world literature, and no more so than for his extraordinary satirical entertainment Gargantua and Pantagruel. Here the first of these volumes is presented in a new and lively translation. Pantagruel recounts the life a popular giant. From his portentous birth and colorful childhood, to his visit to Paris and his travels through Utopia, and not withstanding his enormous appetite, Pantagruel’s history is told with a breathtaking degree of gaiety and wit. Ingeniously coining new expressions, and with an unashamed obsession with bodily functions, Rabelais blends prose and poetry, the sacred and profound, to offer a heady satire of the religious society of his day. The result is a bawdy and brilliant celebration of life.

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