libro Split


Split es un libro escrito por Tara Moss tiene un total de 384 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9788493747619 y ha recibido 1 votos de nuestros visitantes Split se publicó en el año 2009

En total tiene una nota media de 3 sobre cinco.

Libros de Tara Moss







Ficha Técnica

  • 3.5
  • Título: Split
  • Autor: Tara Moss
  • Publicación: 2009
  • Editorial: JP Libros
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9788493747619
  • Páginas: 384
  • Votos: 1
  • Media: 3
  • Encuadernación: Rústica


He came home from work. She fixed him a martini. He said she looked beautiful. And then four catastrophic words hung in the air between them:
I. Want. A. Divorce.
That was it. Suddenly Suzanne Finnamore was alone, with no idea of what to do next. What would she say to her young son when he woke up the next morning? How would she tell the world that hed chosen to move on and leave her behind? She faced the news of her ex-husbands Thing Woman, she suffered the emptiness of a Valentines Day alone, she drank all the mandarin-flavoured vodka that was festering in the freezer. But with a lot of grit and the help of her whiskey-toting mother, Bunny, and loyal friend Christian, she found the hope and humour to drag herself through.<

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