libro Tres gatos cantores

Tres gatos cantores

Tres gatos cantores tiene un total de 48 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9788440304384 Tres gatos cantores se publicó en el año 2003

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Tres gatos cantores
  • Publicación: 2003
  • Editorial: Everest
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9788440304384
  • Páginas: 48
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


On a night when the full moon was out, when the stars were dancing in the sky, and the comets were trying on their new hats, One, Two, and Three, cats that live on the hill, decided to sing a serenade.One was white. Very white and hairy.Two was yellow. As yellow as an egg yolk.Three was orange, like the setting sun.When the first song was over, the Moon, high and very white, began to applaud enthusiastically. The Moon and the three cats made so much noise that they woke up Four, Five, and Six, other cats from the neighborhood. The others asked them to keep quiet, careful not to hurt their feelings. After much consideration, the cats decided to set off in search of Mr. Seven of the Eight, an opera impresario.They walked and walked, turning corners and crossing squares, until they reached an enormous white and gold building with carpeted staircases and crystal chandeliers. That’s where they found Mr. Seven of the Eight.This charming story, with its entertaining ending, will help beginning readers to learn their numbers and colors, maintaining their attention from beginning to end.<

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