libro Don t wake the baby

Don t wake the baby

Dawn apperley

Don t wake the baby es un libro escrito por Dawn apperley tiene un total de 32 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9780747555438 Don t wake the baby se publicó en el año 2002

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Don t wake the baby
  • Autor: Dawn apperley
  • Publicación: 2002
  • Editorial: Bloomsbury publishing ltd.
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9780747555438
  • Páginas: 32
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


When an older sibling plays too close for comfort to the sleeping baby a cautionary voice calls out Shhhhh, Lilly-Lu, dont wake Baby!. But Lilly-Lu pays scant attention and carries on jumping and skipping and singing and dancing all far too close. When finally the exhausted Lilly-Lu gives up and goes to sleep. But guess who wakes up? A lovely reassuring picture book about the desire to cause just a little bit of trouble - and the normally unpredictable sleeping patterns of little sisters and brothers.

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