libro Microcosmos four billion years of microbial evolution

Microcosmos four billion years of microbial evolution

Microcosmos four billion years of microbial evolution es un libro escrito por Lynn Margulis tiene un total de 300 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9780520210646 Microcosmos four billion years of microbial evolution se publicó en el año 1997

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Microcosmos four billion years of microbial evolution
  • Autor: Lynn Margulis
  • Publicación: 1997
  • Editorial: University of california press
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9780520210646
  • Páginas: 300
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


Microcosmos is nothing less than the saga of the life of the planet.

Microcosmos brings together the remarkable discoveries of microbiology of the past two decades and the pioneering research of Dr. Margulis to create a vivid new picture of the world that is crucial to our understanding of the future of the planet. Addressed to general readers, the book provides a beautifully written view of evolution as a process based on interdependency and thei nterconnectedness of all life on the planet.<

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