libro Science and poetry

Science and poetry

Mary midgley

Science and poetry es un libro escrito por Mary midgley tiene un total de 230 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9780415276320 Science and poetry se publicó en el año 2002

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Science and poetry
  • Autor: Mary midgley
  • Publicación: 2002
  • Editorial: Routledge
  • Género: Diccionarios
  • Isbn: 9780415276320
  • Páginas: 230
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


Cutting through myths of scientific omnipotence, Mary Midgley explores how this inheritance has so powerfully shaped the way we are, and the problems it has brought with it. She argues that poetry and the arts can help reconcile these problems, and counteract generations of "one-eyed specialists," unable and unwilling to look beyond their own scientific or literary sphere. Dawkins, Atkins, Bacon and Descartes all come under fire as Midgley sears through contemporary debate from Gaia to memes and organic food to greenhouse gases. After years of unquestioned imperialism, science is finally forced to take a step back and acknowledge the arts.<

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