libro Steal this book

Steal this book

Abbie hoffman

Steal this book es un libro escrito por Abbie hoffman tiene un total de 308 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9781568582177 Steal this book se publicó en el año 2008

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Steal this book
  • Autor: Abbie hoffman
  • Publicación: 2008
  • Editorial: Four walls eight windows
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9781568582177
  • Páginas: 308
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


Steal This Book is, in a way, a manual of survival in the prison that is Amerika. It preaches jailbreak. It shows you where exactly how to place the dynamite that will destroy the walls. The first section--SURVIVE!--lays out a potential action program for our new Nation. The chapter headings spell out the demands for a free society. A community where the technology produces goods and services for whoever needs them, come who may. It calls on the Robin Hoods of Santa Barbara Forest to steal from the robber barons who own the castles of capitalism. It implies that the reader already is ideologically set, in that he understands corporate feudalism as the only robbery worthy of being called crime, for it is committed against the people as a whole. Whether the ways it describes to rip-off shit are legal or illegal is irrelevant. The dictionary of law is written by the bosses of order. Our moral dictionary says no heisting from each other. To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral. --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

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