libro Stop walking on eggshells: taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder

Stop walking on eggshells: taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder

Paul t. mason

Stop walking on eggshells: taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder es un libro escrito por Paul t. mason tiene un total de 257 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9781572241084 Stop walking on eggshells: taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder se publicó en el año 1994

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Stop walking on eggshells: taking your life back when someone you care about has borderline personality disorder
  • Autor: Paul t. mason
  • Publicación: 1994
  • Editorial: New harbinger publications
  • Género: Diccionarios
  • Isbn: 9781572241084
  • Páginas: 257
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


Stop Walking On Eggshells is a self-help guide that helps the family members and friends of individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) understand this self-destructive condition and learn what they can do to cope with it and take care of themselves. It is designed to help them understand how the disorder affects their loved ones and recognize what they can do to get off the emotional roller coasters and take care of themselves. Read it now-buy the eBook and save 25%<

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