THE MOUNTAIN SHADOW es un libro escrito por Gregory David Roberts tiene un total de 560 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9781408701621 THE MOUNTAIN SHADOW se publicó en el año 2015

Ficha Técnica

  • Autor: Gregory David Roberts
  • Publicación: 2015
  • Editorial: Little brown and company
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9781408701621
  • Páginas: 560
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


The sequel to the much-loved literary masterpiece Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts? extraordinary new novel is the result of ten years? work.

A breath of Bombay hope, in the first glimpse of the sea, on Marine Drive, filled my heart, if not my head. I turned away from the red shadow. I stopped thinking of that pyramid of killers, and Sanjay?s recklessness. I stopped thinking about my own part in the madness. And I rode, with my friends, into the end of everything.

The end of the eighties was the beginning of everything. The Berlin wall fell on an empire, and the Taliban took Afghanistan. Lin, on the run after escaping from prison in Australia, working as a passport forger for a Bombay mafia gang, finds himself standing on a tattered corner of a bloody carpet that would soon cover most of the world. But he can?t leave the Island City: not without Karla.

Two years after the events in Shantaram, Bombay is a different world, playing by different rules. Lin?s search for love and faith leads him through secret and violent intrigues to the dangerous truth. A love story told with hope and humour, a personal struggle for redemption, and a philosophical quest for the wisdom of our common humanity, The Mountain Shadow is a sublime novel, and an all-consuming, epic thriller.

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