libro Throwim way leg an adventure

Throwim way leg an adventure

Throwim way leg an adventure es un libro escrito por Tim Flannery tiene un total de 336 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9780141031415 Throwim way leg an adventure se publicó en el año 2007

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Throwim way leg an adventure
  • Autor: Tim Flannery
  • Publicación: 2007
  • Editorial: Penguin
  • Género: Didáctica
  • Isbn: 9780141031415
  • Páginas: 336
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


Throwim Way Leg is a book of wonder and excitement, struggle and sadness, a love letter to Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. ‘In New Guinea Pidgin,’ Tim Flannery explains, ‘throwim way leg means to go on a journey. It describes the action of thrusting out your leg to take the first step of what can be a long march…’ Here he invites us to share in his breathtaking adventures, as he meets skilled hunters and befriends a shaman, climbs mountains never before scaled by Europeans, discovers new species and, deep in the jungle, stumbles across the giant bones of extinct marsupials. He also writes movingly about the fate of indigenous people when their intricate cultures collide with mining companies and the high-tech modern world.<

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